Migrant Forum in Asia
Telefax: +632.8277.9484 | Mobile: +63.921.540.5063
Email: mfa@mfasia.org | Website: www.mfasia.org

Launch of Migrant Women Forum’s #WomenAtForefront Online Series

Launch of Migrant Women Forum’s #WomenAtForefront Online Series

As a newly established network, Migrant Women Forum is launching the #WomenAtForefront online series. The series aims to showcase member organizations and individual members of the MWF network and highlight the significant work they have done to address women migrant workers’ issues and to advocate for women’s rights in the world of migration and mobility.

Migrant Women Forum is a loose, informal network of organizations from Asia, Middle East, and the Pacific, working on issues of gender, women, and migration. The network was established in 2019 and convened by Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA), the Cross-Regional Center for Refugees and Migrants (CCRM), and PacificWin Pacific in Istanbul, Turkey during a cross-regional dialogue on gender and labor migration in the Asia Middle East Corridor.

The series will be launched on International Women’s Day, 08 March 2022 on Migrant Women Forum’s online platforms which will soon be announced. Further information will be posted, please do look forward to it!

About Us

MFA is a regional network of non-government organizations (NGOs), associations and trade unions of migrant workers, and individual advocates in Asia who are committed to protect and promote the rights and welfare of migrant workers.

It is guided by a vision of an alternative world system based on respect for human rights and dignity, social justice, and gender equity, particularly for migrant workers.

Regional Secretariat

25 Matiyaga Street,
Central District, Diliman,
Quezon City 1100

Phone: +63-2-8277-9484
Mobile: +639215405063

Social Media

Email: mfa@mfasia.org
Website: www.mfasia.org
Facebook: migrantforumasia

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