Migrant Forum in Asia
Telefax: +632.8277.9484 | Mobile: +63.921.540.5063
Email: mfa@mfasia.org | Website: www.mfasia.org

Members & Partners



Association for Community Development (ACD)

ACD is committed to empower the most disadvantaged and marginalized women, children, adolescent girls whose lives have been suppressed under the traditional patriarchal societal system and economic hardship. In addition, ACD has been initiating its interventions by an integrated approach in view of establishing the rights of grassroots women and children, protecting violence against them, reducing gender based discrimination and establishing social justice with developing the community care system.

Email: rajacd@librabd.net
Phone: +880-721-770660

Ain O Salish Kendro (ASK)

Ain Salish O Kendro (ASK) is a Human Rights and legal aid organization that takes a comprehensive approach to protecting and promoting human rights in Bangladesh. Established in Dhaka in 1986, the organization is committed to promoting social, economic and political justice. It prioritizes serving the poor and minorities, and views women as being the most vulnerable to deprivation and injustice, among the poor and the powerless. One of the priorities of ASK has been migrant labor cases of human rights violations where the investigation and advocacy departments have constantly played a strong role.

For more information, visit their website at www.askbd.org

Bangladesh Nari Sramik Kendra (BNSK)

Bangladesh Nari Sramik Kendro (BNSK) is an association of marginalized women workers registered with Department/Directorate of Women Affairs under Ministry of Women and Children Affairs. It is an organization of poor, self-employed women workers.BNSK’s main goals are to organize women workers for their employment with rights and welfare in terms of Dignity, Respect, Recognition and Remuneration like formal sector.

Contact information: https://bnsk.org.bd/

Bangladeshi Ovibashi Mohila Sramik Association (BOMSA)

BOMSA aims to unite and protect the welfare of female migrants of Bangladesh. Founded and  operated by returned women migrant workers, BOMSA has been working with internal and external women migrants since 1998 to ensure the protection of migrants' rights.

Website: www.bomsa.net
Email: bomsa@dhaka.net
Address: 132, Anjuman Bhabon (3rd floor), Darussalam, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1216
Contact Person: Sheikh Rumana, General Secretary (BOMSA)
Cell N: +880 1819432782

Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU)

The Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU), an affiliate of the University of Dhaka, has been functioning as a research, training, and policy advocacy institution since 1996. RMMRU was established to study population movements both within and across national borders. Over the years, advocacy, awareness campaign, and training also became part of core activities of RMMRU.

Read more about RRMRU at www.rmmru.org



 Legal Support for Women and Children (LSCW)

LSCW provides legal assistance and support through trained Cambodian lawyers to victims, and continued research into conditions affecting women, children and Cambodian migrant workers.

Read more about LSCW at www.lscw.org

HONGKONG, Special Administrative Region of China

Coalition for Migrants’ Rights (CMR)

CMR's core programs include training workshops on racial and gender discrimination, campaign against wage cut/levy, leadership training /trainors’ training, international Women’s / Migrants’ Day celebration, and team building exercise / workshops for CMR Executive Committee and Core Officers.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cmr.hongkong


Center For Indian Migrant Studies (CIMS)

The Centre for Indian Migrant Studies (CIMS) evolved from a popular TV show called ‘Pravaslokam’in Kairali- a Malayalam television channel from Kerala- South state of India which essentially assists relatives to track down their missing relatives abroad.The CIMS was created for the welfare of migrant workers and their families. Its mission is to build knowledge and understanding of safe migration in order to help improve the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people. CIMS conduct relevant programmes to respond to the problems faced by migrant workers. CIMS focuses on migrant workers in the Middle East and contributes them to better understanding of how the legal and other system works in those countries and this data will add to the knowledge of human rights groups globally concerned with this situation in these countries.

Address: 642/11 Abdul Khader Haji Building, Sub Jail Rd, Opp: Municipal Ground, Aluva, Kerala, India

Telephone: +91 484 2623588/ Mobile: +91 98479 20104
Email: cimskerala@gmail.com

Website: http://www.cimskerala.org

Emigrants Welfare Forum (EWF)

Emigrants Welfare Forum is an NGO (Non Governmental Organization) registered under Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2001 (No. 35 of 2001) with Registration No.687/2003 on 25th June 2013 at Hyderabad, India. A group of like-minded people assembled in Hyderabad to start an organization to help migrant workers. The organization conducts awareness on migrants rights, organizes, legal literacy, facilitates case management of migrants in distress. The organization also organizes dialogues with media and members of parliament to raise awareness on issues faced by migrant workers.

Main contact:  Mr. MBheem Reddy
E-mail: mbreddy.hyd@gmail.com, emigrants.welfareforum@gmail.com

Migrant Forum India (MFI)

MFI's core programme for migrant workers' rights include awareness building, documentation and publication, advocacy and lobbying, direct services and networking. MFI also joins the work of The National Domestic Workers’ Movement (NDWM), a movement and a non-governmental organization working with domestic workers, child domestic workers and migrant workers, which are active in 23 states of India and work towards achieving dignity for domestic work and workers, at both national and international levels.

Regional Office
Email: mjavalar@gmail.com
Phone: +91-22-23702498

Kerala Office
Email: srsallymichael@yahoo.com
Telefax +91-471-2435297

National Workers Welfare Trust

National Workers Welfare Trust (NWWT) is a a movement of domestic workers workers. NWWT aims to engage purely social, secular, non-political and charitable activities for the benefit and empowerment of all workers irrespective of caste, creed, race, language or religion and to educate and empower workers and children towards their own emancipation and to do all such other lawful things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the trust.

Main contact: Sr. Lissy Joseph
E-mail: nwwt2016@gmail.com

Migrants Rights Council, India (MRC)

MRC is a migrant labor rights group which advocates with and provides support for migrant workers to access legal aid, redress mechanism and dispute resolution.

Address: T-5-14A Venkateshvara Colony, Mahaboobnagar
Email: shramashakthi@rediffmail.com
Phone: +91-8542-271139

National Centre for Labour (NCL)

NCL is an apex body of unorganised workers unions and organisations and represents the interests of Agricultural Workers,  Construction workers, Forest workers, Contract labour, Self employed, Domestic workers, Fish workers, Workers from Small and Tiny industries, Granite and Marble workers, Leather workers, Internal and External Migrant Workers etc. in India. It has a membership of more than a million, in 12 states in India.

Central Office
Telefax: 91-80-26630262

North India Office
Email: nclnorthindia@gmail.com
Phone +91-120-2322058



Center for Indonesian Migrant Workers - Urban Community Mission Jakarta (CIMW)

Consisting of NGO activists, journalists and legal aid practitioners, CIMW promotes non-discrimination through an open membership in order for it to be a democratic organization that is not affiliated with any political party, government bodies, military and discriminative organizations. CIMW's services are training for migrant workers and their families, crisis center and advocacy, networking, research, study and monitoring, community organizing and reintegration.

For more information, visit the website at http://www.pmkhkbpjakarta.com or http://www.cimw-pmkhkbpjakarta.com


Consortium of Indonesian Migrant Workers Advocacy/Konssorsium Pembela Buruh Migran Indonesia (KOPBUMI)

KOPBUMI, a network of 66 NGOs from 14 regions in Indonesia, began its activities in 1997.  KOPBUMI continues to advocate and strive for protection for Indonesian migrant workers and their families by maintaining human rights, democracy and gender justice.

Email: kopbumi@link.net.id
Phone: +62 21 470 6377

Jarnas Pekabumi

Jarnas Pekabumi is a national network of non-profit NGOs with strong commitment to migrant workers issues specifically for Indonesian migrant workers’ empowerment in the socio-economic areas. It was established in June 2001 to respond to the need of Indonesian migrants overseas to implement their re-entry planning to their home countries.

Email: chratw@yahoo.com ; atma-grata@plasa.com
Phone: +6281.5776.2868
Address: Jalan Aren IV No. 6 Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

Migrant Care

Migrant Care believes that strengthening of state institutions in order to provide protection for the people is the first thing to do. While improving the capacity of state institutions, strengthening the movement of migrant workers to build bargaining positions should also be carried out simultaneously and continuously.

Migrant Care carries out this belief through its core programs including: counseling and crisis center; advocacy in every level of migrant workers’ issues (legal aid, policy, etc.); research; and education and propaganda.

For more information, visit the website at www.migrantcare.net (in Bahasa)

Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI)

SBMI is a union of Indonesian migrant workers with several branches in Indonesia. SBMI advocates for workers rights through handling of cases related to deportation, sickness, insurance, loss of contact, death, and deception from brokers. SBMI also strives to strengthen community advocacy by providing among others, paralegal training in the communities of origin of migrant workers.

More information can be found on the website at www.infosbmi.blogspot.com (in Bahasa)

Solidaritas Perempuan (Women’s Solidarity for Human Rights)

Email: soliper@centrin.net.id ;
Phone: +6221 79183108
Address: Jl. Siaga II No. 36 Pejaten Barat. Pasar Minggu. Jakarta Selatan. Ph.


Kav La Oved

Kav La Oved is an Israeli non-profit association, founded in 1991. Its objective is to protect the rights of disadvantaged workers. It provides information, advice, and legal representation for the most deprived workers in Israel – migrant workers, Palestinian workers and Israeli low-wage earners.

More information on the website at http://www.kavlaoved.org.il/


Solidarity Network with Migrants Japan (SMJ)

SMJ's goal is to protect migrants' rights, support their empowerment, and create a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society in Japan by networking with NGOs and individuals advocating migrants' rights in Japan and coordinating collaborative activities while sharing experiences and cooperating with one another.

More information on the website at www.jca.apc.org/migrant-net


Joint Committee with Migrants in Korea (JCMK)

Visit the website at www.jcmk.org (in Korean) or email jcmk@jcmk.org


Insan Association/CCRM Secretariat

Insan Association acts to protect and promote the rights of the most marginalised individuals, families and children living in Lebanon – such as refugees, migrant workers, asylum seekers and non-identities – without discrimination of any kind, such as ethnicity nationality, gender, social origins, religion and political or other affiliations. Through the years, beneficiaries of different nationalities benefited from our services: Syrian, Kurdish and Turkmen Syrian, Iraqi, Jordanian, Egyptian, Filipino, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Ethiopian, Sudanese, Nigerian, Ghanaian, Cameroonian, Malagasy etc. All of them are living in Lebanon in very difficult conditions notably due to severe poverty, lack of legal status, isolation and racism. Excluded from the system, they fail to access basic rights and services.

Contact information: http://www.insanassociation.org/en/


Migration Working Group

MWG is a network of key civil society organisations and individuals that advocate for the protection of the rights of migrants, refugees, stateless persons, trafficked persons, and foreign spouses. MWG’s recommendations are based on human rights principles and incorporate a holistic view of migration.

Postal Address:
c/o Women's Aid Organisation
P.O. Box 493, Jalan Sultan, 46760,
Petaling Jaya, Selangor, 46200, Malaysia
Fax. No: +6 03- 2031 6640
Email: ssk010@hotmail.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/MWGMalaysia/


Center for Human Rights and Development (CHRD)

The Centre for Human Rights  Development (CHRD) was  established in 1998 by a group of human rights  activists  and lawyers. It is an independent, non-government, non-partisan and  nonprofit organization registered under the Mongolian Law of Non-Governmental Organizations.

There are three ongoing programs run by CHRD:

  • Combating Human Trafficking Program,
  • Human Rights Advocacy Program and
  • Community Based Development Program

Visit the website at www.chrd.org.mn


Confederation of Trade Unions, Myanmar (CTUM)

The Confederation of Trade Unions, Myanmar (CTUM), formerly known as the Federation of Trade Unions of Burma (FTUB), is a trade union in Myanmar (Burma). As of 2018, CTUM had 65,002 members, ahead of the Agriculture and Farmers Federation of Myanmar and the Myanmar Industries Craft and Services – Trade Unions Federation. In addition to the activities of the trade union, CTUM has the Department of Labor to address the problems of employers and employees, brokers fraud, workers’ problems in destination countries, and human trafficking.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ftub.burma/

Migrant Workers Rights Network (MWRN)

MWRN is a grassroots member-based association that works to protect the rights of migrant workers who live and work in Thailand, the majority being from Myanmar. The organization was founded in 2009 by nine Myanmar migrant leaders after seeing extensive exploitation and abuse of migrant workers in Thai factories, the seafood industry, agriculture, and construction. They decided that empowerment of migrants is the best way for migrant workers to protect themselves. Migrant workers themselves continue to lead and run MWRN.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mwrnorg/ 


All Nepal Women's Association (ANWA)

Address: Baneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: anwa@wlink.com.np
Phone: +977-1-2072030

Asian Forum Migrants' Center (AFMC)

Email: migrantscenter@gmail.com

Center for Migration and International Relations (CMIR)

CMIR is a not-for-profit institute working to ensure that the rights of migrant workers and their families are respected, guaranteed, and fulfilled. In Nepal, CMIR is the first institute involving all three groups: returnee migrant workers, migrant rights activists, and researchers on a common platform. This enables CMIR to better understand the multi-faceted impact of migration and the dynamics of the society and thus, help to come with concrete humanitarian actions, policy recommendations, and enduring advocacy efforts at the national, regional, and international levels.

Address: G.P.O: 479, Shasta-11, Bhawana Marg, Buddhanagar-10, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4795931
Website: www.cmir.org.np
Email: info@cmir.org.np
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cmir.nepal


POURAKHI is an organization of returnee women migrant workers, formed to work on the rights of women migrant workers. POURAKHI has established itself as a pioneer Non-government organization in the field of making migration safe and secure. It has been operating its functions in support of its dedicated members and national and international stakeholders. Registered in 2003, POURAKHI was established with the objective to ensure the rights of women migrant workers in the entire process of foreign employment.

Visit the website at www.pourakhi.org.np

Women's Rehabilitation Center Nepal (WOREC)

WOREC is a human rights organization relentlessly working for the protection and promotion of human rights. This institution was founded by Women Right Activists in 1991 in order to address the issue of human trafficking. It is one of the leading national organizations that addresses the issues of Violence against Women (VAW), protection and recognition of women human rights defenders (WHRD), safe migration and human trafficking, and economical, social and cultural rights of women.

More information on the website at www.worecnepal.org

Pravasi Nepali Coordination Committee (PNCC)

PNCC is a membership based organization formed by migrant workers especially from Gulf countries. PNCC was established in Nepal with the help from Pravasi Nepali Sewa Samiti (PNSS), the latter being established in 1998 in the Nepal Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The main objective of PNSS was to rescue migrant workers working with difficulties in Saudi Arabia. After a few years, many returnee migrant workers realized the need to establish an organization to work for the betterment of the migrant workers and thus PNCC was formed.

Learn more about PNCC at http://www.pncc.org.np/

Aprabasi Mahila Kamdar Samuha AMKAS) Nepal

Aaprabasi Mahila Kamdar Samuha (AMKAS) is an organisation for, by and of returnee women migrants with a focus to unite and establish a strong network among women migrants workers. AMKAS aims to support women migrant workers, looking at both intra- and inter-country migration to advocate for their rights, enhance their skills and provide a safe space for women migrant workers to discuss, share and learn from each other's life experiences.

Contact information: https://amkas.org.np/

Youth Action Nepal (YOAC)

Youth Action Nepal (YOAC-2003) is a leading youth NGO committed in the field of Democracy, Peace and Social Harmony, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Human Rights issues. YOAC believes on Duty Culture, Partnership, Volunteerism and Youth Participation as valued principles of change and holistic development.

The website provides more details: www.youthaction.org.np


Atikha Overseas Workers and Communities Initiative (ATIKHA)

Atikha is a non-government organization that provides economic and social services to overseas Filipinos and their families in the Philippines. The organization aims to help address the social cost of migration and tap the development potential of migration.

Visit the website at www.atikha.org

Kanlungan Center Foundation, Inc.

Founded on July 17, 1989, Kanlungan initially operated as a crisis intervention center for prospective, on-site and returned migrant workers, as well as their families. In 1992, the organization decided on a more holistic approach, which would enhance the workers’ individual and collective strengths and advocating for social and policy change. Thus, it expanded its services to include legislative and policy advocacy, organizing of families of overseas workers, education and training, research, information and publication and, most recently, local economy development and capability building.

Visit the website at www.kanlungan.ngo.ph

Kapisanan ng mga Kamag-anakan ng mga Migranteng Manggagawang Pilipino (KAKAMMPI)

KAKAMMPI facilitates several programs namely Child Learning & Development Centers,  Family Wellness Program, Gender Responsiveness Program, Micro-finance, Multi-purpose Cooperative, Advocacy and Networking, KAKAMMPI Online (webcast), Case Documentation, Community Organizing, Campaign and Mobilization, and Research, Trainings and Resource.

Details of the programs can be found on the website at www.kakammpi.org

Unlad Kabayan Migrant Services Foundation, Inc.

Unlad Kabayan's work is diverse, and involves migrants as well as communities. The organization works in destination countries overseas, and in the Philippines, providing financial assistance through savings and investment opportunities, micro-credit and financial literacy education. Unlad Kabayan assists in the incubation of businesses and the development of enterprises. Unlad Kabayan is also involved in research of the issues facing migrants and poor communities in the Philippines, and the organization's education and training programs provide its beneficiaries with the skills they need to increase their income. Unlad Kabayan's advocacy program enables beneficiaries to have a voice, so their issues and concerns are communicated to government, private sector and the general public.

Visit the website at www.unladkabayan.org

Batis Center for Women, Inc.

BATIS was founded in November 1988, as a result of networking between some staff of the division of family ministries of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) and the House of Emergency of Love and Peace (HELP). It aims to make women overseas workers aware of their rights and responsibilities through publication of relevant materials, launching of education courses, training, seminars and symposia.

Email: batiscenter@gmail.com; batiscener@yahoo.com
Telefax: +63-2-9257843;
Address: 12-C Bayanihan Street, West Triangle, Quezon City 1104 Philippines

Center for Migrants Advocacy (CMA)

The Center for Migrant Advocacy - Philippines (CMA-Phils.) is an advocacy group that promotes the rights of overseas Filipinos - land- or sea-based workers and Filipino immigrants and their families. CMA works to help improve the economic, social and political conditions of migrant Filipino families everywhere through policy advocacy, information dissemination, networking, capability-building, and direct assistance.

Telephone: +632 990-5140
Email: cma@cmaphils.net
Website: www.centerformigrantadvocacy.com


Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics (HOME)

HOME is committed to the principle that migration of people benefits the global society with a focus on the effects of migration within the context of Singapore.

The mission objectives of HOME are:

  • To develop research and education on the socioeconomic of migration on Singapore and the countries of origin;
  • To provide social integration services for emigrants and immigrants;
  • To provide humanitarian assistance for the effects of 'crisis' migration.

More information at the website: www.home.org.sg

Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2)

The work and mission of Transient Workers Count Too encompasses advocacy and services. In advocacy, TWC2 has active programs in research, communications and public engagement. In terms of services, TWC2 assists migrant workers when they encounter employment-related difficulties, with help delivered through our professional social work team, and supported by programs providing food, medical care, transport assistance, shelter, quasi-legal advice, outreach and recreational activities.

More information at www.twc2.org.sg


Action Network for Migrant Workers (ACTFORM)

ACTFORM was established in 1999.  It is an umbrella organizations with 28 member organizations in Sri Lanka. Core activities include: Awareness raising, advocacy, research and policy reforms in relation to migrants’ rights; Capacity building for network organizations; Publication of “Tharani”

Email: actform@sltnet.lk
Phone: +94-11-2690201
Address: 174, De Alwis avenue, Castle Street, Colombo 8, SRI LANKA

Migrant Services Center

Migrant Services Centre is a migrant service arm of the National Workers Congress, Sri Lanka. National Workers Congress is a Non Political, Independent Trade Union which has been working in many trade sectors in Sri Lanka since 1958 and affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation.

Email: nwc.president.lk@gmail.com
Phone: +94 112 431 847
Fax: +94 112 470 874
Address: National Workers Congress, No. 94 1/6, York Building, York Street, Colombo 1, Sri Lanka

Women and Media Collective (WMC)

WMC was established in 1997 with the following activities/programs:

  • Highlighting abuses and violations of human rights of migrant women
  • Policy review and research
  • Networking at the international and local levels

Email: wmcsrilanka@gmail.com
Phone: +94-11-2690201
Address: 174, De Alwis avenue, Castle Street, Colombo 8, SRI LANKA

TAIWAN, Province of China

Hope Workers' Center (HWC)

The Hope Workers’ Center was founded by the Missionary Society of St. Columban in 1986 to educate local workers and to do advocacy and lobbying. Soon, irregular migrant workers came to the Center for assistance as well.

Visit the website at tw.migrant-workers.org

Hsinchu Migrants and Immigrants Services Center (HMISC)

HMISC is an organization based in Taiwan that provides assistance to migrant workers in distress. Among the services they provide include crisis intervention, information education on migrants rights, capacity building and community organizing. HMISC was founded in 1998 by the Hsinchu Catholic Diocese (first under the name Migrants Concern Desk).

HWC and HMISC share the same website: tw.migrant-workers.org


Human Rights Development Foundation (HRDF)

HRDF was founded by human rights activists and lawyers to promote and protect human rights in Thailand and in the Southeast Asian region.

Visit the website at http://hrdfoundation.org/

Migrant Workers Rights Network (MWRN)

The Migrant Workers Rights Network (MWRN) was founded in March 29th 2009 by a group of migrant workers from Myanmar in Thailand. Since its establishment, MWRN’s work on migration has expanded from running a community learning and resource center  and school for migrant children in Samutsakorn and organising migrant workers to providing legal aid to migrants, undertaking research in collaboration with academics/international advocacy organisations and advocacy on safe migration and migrants'rights. They also work closely with trade unions and employers to promote the rights of migrant workers.


MFA recognizes that migration is a cross-sectoral issue which links up with various groups at the regional and international levels working on issues of education, environment, gender, human rights, labour, trade and development.

Asia Democracy Network (ADN)

Asia Democracy Network (ADN)

ADN is a civil society led multi-stakeholders’ platform among democracy advocates and human rights defenders dedicated to the strengthening of democracy and Human Rights. Migrant Forum in Asia is a member of the network and sits as one of the Steering Committee members.

Asian Migrant Centre (AMC)

Asian Migrant Centre 

Established in 1991, the Asian Migrant Centre (AMC) is a regional NGO based in Hong Kong. AMC carries out action oriented research on migration issues, policy and media advocacy, and capacity building for organisations working to empower, protect and promote the rights of migrants in Asia. AMC is among the founding members of the MFA network.

Asian Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)

Asian Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)

The Asian Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), formerly the Jubilee South-Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development, is a regional alliance of peoples’ movements, community organizations, coalitions, NGOs and networks. APMDD believes in social transformation that is all encompassing and interrelated: it is economic, political, cultural and environmental and has class, ethnicity/race and gender dimensions. MFA, as a member of APMDD , recognizes that the intensifying neoliberal globalization agenda has varying effects on labour migration. MFA is currently a member of the APMDD regional committee. MFA continues to strengthen its links with other organizations to further its critical analysis of migration vis-av-vis trade and development.

Diplomacy Training Program (DTP)

Diplomacy Training Program (DTP)

MFA, in partnership with DTP - an independent, non-governmental organization providing human rights education, annually holds a training program on Migrant Workers Convention and ILO Conventions which is being participated in by civil society advocates coming from Asia and the Pacific region. Previous training programs were held in Indonesia (2004), Bangladesh (2005) and Malaysia (2006).

Global Coalition on Migration (GCM)

Global Coalition on Migration (GCM)

The Global Coalition on Migration (GCM) represents a vital space where its members can collectively chart the best methods, strategies and tools to take action together. GCM members comprise regional and international networks of migrant associations, migrants rights organizations and advocates, trade unions, faith groups and academia, covering every region around the world. Migrant Forum in Asia sits as the Chair of the GCM.

Migrants Rights International (MRI)

Migrants Rights International (MRI)

MFA is the regional partner of MRI for ratification campaign and monitoring migrants’ rights violation in Asia. MFA sits in the Steering Committee of MRI, a non-governmental organization and federation of migrants and migrants rights organizations, trade unions, faith-based groups within the various global regions promoting the human rights of migrants. MFA, together with MRI, organized a Global Community Dialogue on Migration and Development in September 2006 in New York, USA, parallel to the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development.

Southeast Asia Committee on Advocacy (SEACA)

Southeast Asia Committee on Advocacy (SEACA)

MFA Regional Coordinator William Gois sits in the SEACA Board of Directors. MFA, as a member of SEACA, continues to actively participate in the various activities and programs of SEACA.

Solidarity for Asian People’s Advocacy (SAPA)

Solidarity for Asian People’s Advocacy (SAPA)

MFA sits in the Regional Steering Committee of SAPA, an open platform for consultation, cooperation and coordination between Asian social movements and civil society organizations including NGOs, people organizations and trade unions who are engaged in action, advocacy and lobbying at the level of intergovernmental processes and organizations. Within SAPA are different working groups dealing with thematic issues – ASEAN, UN Human Rights Mechanisms and Migration and Labour. MFA actively participates in all the working groups and is the convener of the WG on migration and labour.

About Us

MFA is a regional network of non-government organizations (NGOs), associations and trade unions of migrant workers, and individual advocates in Asia who are committed to protect and promote the rights and welfare of migrant workers.

It is guided by a vision of an alternative world system based on respect for human rights and dignity, social justice, and gender equity, particularly for migrant workers.

Regional Secretariat

25 Matiyaga Street,
Central District, Diliman,
Quezon City 1100

Phone: +63-2-8277-9484
Mobile: +639215405063

Social Media

Email: mfa@mfasia.org
Website: www.mfasia.org
Facebook: migrantforumasia

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