Migrant Forum in Asia
Telefax: +632.8277.9484 | Mobile: +63.921.540.5063
Email: mfa@mfasia.org | Website: www.mfasia.org

Regional Consultation on the Colombo Process and Regional Consultative Processes

Migrant Forum in Asia through the support of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Work in Freedom project organized a regional consultation on the Colombo Process and Regional Consultative Processes (RCPs) from 25-27 February 2020. The consultation was held in Bangkok, Thailand. Participants of the consultation included CSOs, trade union and government representatives.

The consultation aimed to provide updates on the progress of the implementation of governments commitments in RCPs; discuss how the work in the thematic areas of RCPs impact the lives of migrant workers and their families; and how stakeholders can monitor developments and new engagement with RCPs and the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration.

During the consultation the MFA Secretariat presented updates on thematic areas of the Colombo Process and on the Fifth Abu Dhabi Dialogue (ADD) Ministerial Consultation as well as the collaborative programmes under the ADD.

Prior to the consultation participants were asked to organize dialogues with their government representatives on the thematic areas of the Colombo Process. The consolidated response from the participants was presented during the program.

Workshop sessions were also organized to enable participants to have more in depth discussions around the different themes of the regional processes. The workshops also discussed the linkages of themes with the objectives of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM).

The regional consultation the network with opportunity to share and discuss policies and practices in different countries as well strategies in line with engaging various regional processes. The regional consultation also served as opportunity for stakeholders to discuss preparations for engaging the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) given that the next GFMD will be hosted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a major country of destination for Asian migrants.

For more information please e-mail William Gois at mfa@mfasia.org

Please find below photos from the program.

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About Us

MFA is a regional network of non-government organizations (NGOs), associations and trade unions of migrant workers, and individual advocates in Asia who are committed to protect and promote the rights and welfare of migrant workers.

It is guided by a vision of an alternative world system based on respect for human rights and dignity, social justice, and gender equity, particularly for migrant workers.

Regional Secretariat

25 Matiyaga Street,
Central District, Diliman,
Quezon City 1100

Phone: +63-2-8277-9484
Mobile: +639215405063

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Email: mfa@mfasia.org
Website: www.mfasia.org
Facebook: migrantforumasia

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