Nepal: Decent Work for Domestic Workers Campaign
— January 7, 2019Migrant Forum in Asia in collaboration with the National Network for Safe Migration (NNSM) and the Home Workers Trade Union of Nepal (HUN) convened a national consultation on 15 November on the ratification campaign for ILO Convention 189 by the Government of Nepal. The consultation also launched the national campaign for the ratification of ILO C189 on Domestic Work.
The consultation is a part of the ongoing process in building the 2 year ratification campaign on ILO C189 for civil societies in Nepal to come up with an effective plan of action towards the recognition and protection of the rights of the domestic workers. The campaign’s objective is to promote decent living and working conditions for domestic workers through the ratification and implementation of ILO C189. Following the initial consultation in March, the meeting aims to revisit and refine the strategies put forward for the campaign. Specifically, the consultation aimed to:
1. Take stock of the progress of the campaign for ratification and refine the partners’ campaign plan;
2. Launch the campaign to gather more support from partners and stakeholders.
The programme brought together 32 participants from labour rights NGOs, human rights NGOs, researcher, lawyer, women’s rights activists, and journalists. The consultation reinforced the importance and need for the society and government to change the attitude and behavior twards domestic work. At the end of the consultation, participants have identified a work plan for the 2 year campaign on the ratification of ILO C189 as well as focal points who will help in ensuring the implementation of the action plan. With the commitment of the participants and as next step, the focal points together with NNSM and HUN as the campaign focal organizations for the campaign will meet to discuss further the details of the activities including programs for the celebration of Migrants’ Day on 18 December 2018.
The consultation was followed by a press conference to launch the campaign for ratification of ILO C189 on Domestic Work. Representatives from migrants and local domestic workers organizations gave testimonies at the conference. As statement was also released to the Nepalese media. You can download the English and Nepali copies of the statement below.
For more information please contact William Gois of the MFA Secretariat at:
Please find below photos from the program