Outcome Document: West Asia Regional Civil Society Consultation in Preparation for the Second UNHLD on Migration & Development
— July 12, 2013Amman, Jordan – On 2-3 July 2013, MFA, the ILO and Daem Observatory for Consultation & Training organized, facilitated and gathered together forty-three representatives of civil society, trade unions, and academia from the West Asia region for the last of the seven regional consultative processes that took place globally in preparation for the upcoming civil society hearings of the UN High Level Dialogue on Migration & Development (UNHLD). This gathering followed the ESCWA preparatory consultation for the UNHLD, held in Egypt on 2-3 June 2013. Recognizing and affirming ESCWA recommendations that civil society participation be enhanced in the UNHLD process, the aim of the gathering was for civil society active on migrants’ rights and migrant protection in the region to provide inputs into the seven-point, five-year civil society action agenda developed by the Global Coalition on Migration and the international civil society steering committee for the UNHLD, and endorsed by 100+ civil society organizations worldwide.
Download the outcome document of the two-day consultation, which summarizes the rich discussions and elaborates the policy recommendations the group from West Asia has agreed to put forward. Arabic version of the document can be downloaded here.