Final ILC Report: Working Towards an ILO Convention On Domestic Work
— October 8, 2010The struggle for recognition of and respect for domestic workers’ rights is a long and arduous road aggravated by rapid changes in our globalized world. Domestic work is considered to be one of the largest, yet unprotected segments of the labour sector. This is so because in many countries domestic workers are not covered by labour legislation. Even if laws and protection mechanisms are in place, the nature of domestic work (working in private
households) prevents most domestic workers from accessing information about their rights. While cognizant of the existing policy reforms affecting domestic workers, these changes fall far short of the reforms needed to combat widespread abuse, much less remove the systematic vulnerabilities and discrimination/ marginalization of
domestic workers.
MFA’s campaign to provide legal protection for domestic workers has been intensified due to these existing gaps in national labour laws where in most cases domestic workers are excluded.
The ILO has repeatedly expressed that unless a Convention or Recommendation expressly excludes domestic workers, these workers are included in the international instrument’s scope1. Further, the ILO also takes the position that the specific nature of domestic work is not an adequate reason to exclude such workers from the protection of international labour standards.
View the full Final ILC Report: Working Towards an ILO Convention On Domestic Work