Circular No 10: Global Compact for Migration: Request to sign on 10 Acts for the Global Compact
— March 2, 2018We are writing to send you updates on the Global Compact for Migration. We are sharing with you the Now and How TEN ACTS for the Global Compact, a CSO tools for advocacy for the Global Compact for Migration. The TEN ACTS was drafted by a core group of members of the CSO Action Committee (established in 2016 for the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants and its follow up) and the International Steering Committee (ISC) of civil society for the GFMD. The document was finalized after two rounds of consultation with the 50 organizations and networks of the Action Committee and ISC. Migrant Forum in Asia is a member of the Core Group that drafted the document. Please find attached a copy of the 10 ACTS.
We are requesting for CSO partners to sign on to support the TEN ACTS. The purpose of the TEN ACTS—and the sign-on’s—is to provide a common reference that can be used either as, or with, an organization’s own advocacy directly with governments: in capitals, in centers like Geneva, Brussels and New York, and in processes including the Intergovernmental Stocktaking on the Global Compact in Mexico in December and the negotiations that follow at the UN.
The Now and How TEN ACTS document is also based on UN, states and civil society documents, including civil society’s 5 year 8 Point Plan of Action, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, civil society recommendations at annual meetings of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) since 2014 the landmark new civil society-led document Child Rights in the Global Compacts among others.
Believing in the power of collective civil society voice, we hope your organization will sign and join in global advocacy of the Now and How: TEN ACTS for the Global Compact. It is much appreciated as well if you could share the same to your network and encourage them to support the advocacy.
To sign on, click:
The deadline for sign on is 30 November 2017. More information on the 10 Acts can be found below.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you on this.
MFA Secretariat