Circular 3: Global Compact for Migration (GCM)
— March 2, 2018We would like to share with you further updates on the Global Compact on Migration through this third circular. The first 2 circulars can be found below.
As mentioned previously, there will be national and regional consultations around the 6 themes which includes civil society. There will also be civil society consultations and multi-stakeholder consultations spearheaded by IOM wherein only those with UN ECOSOC status can participate. However, as an aim to make it more inclusive, organizations without UN ECOSOC status that are interested to partake in these may register through
Apply on or before 17 April for special accreditation. Please do take note that special accreditation does not guarantee approval as it will still go through the States for their approval. Even with special accreditation, each organization intending to participate in any session will still be required to register for that session. Information on session registration will be announced and circulated for each one separately. Organizations with ECOSOC status will be notified of a separate registration process through the NGO Branch/ECOSOC at a later date.
As part of the preparations for the Global Compact process the Global Forum on Migration and Development also held its consultation on April 6 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland. The consultation focused on 3 of the 6 clusters: 1) Human rights of all migrants; 2) Contributions of migrants and diasporas; 3) Irregular migration and regular pathways. The concept note and agenda as well as policy briefs of the 3 clusters can be found in the GFMD website ( or in the attachments of this email. Should there be any report available, we will circulating it but you may also check from time to time in the GFMD website.
As we receive more information on the progress of the discussions we will be sharing them with all of you.
Thank you.
MFA Secretariat