The 2019 Global Media Competition on Fair Recruitment and the Future of Migration
— November 15, 2019
The 2019 Global Media Competition on Fair Recruitment and the Future of Labour Migration is now Open. The International Labour Organization (ILO) is launching its fifth annual Global Media Competition to recognize exemplary media coverage of labour migration. This year’s themes are ‘fair recruitment’ and ‘the future of labour migration’.
For the first time, the competition has a student prize category and the option for a fellowship prize.
The competition aims to promote quality reporting on labour migration issues. Across the world, migrants face prejudice, intolerance and stigmatization in their workplaces and communities. Negative public narratives can lead to abuse and exploitation, and challenge social cohesion.
Balanced and ethical reporting can play an important role in addressing stereotypes and misconceptions, and in highlighting the positive contribution migrant workers make in their origin and destination countries.
The winners will be selected by a panel of experts in international migration and journalism, based on creativity, accuracy and balance, protection of migrants, and positive portrayal of labour migration.
“This year the ILO celebrates it’s Centenary , marking 100 years of advancing social justice and promoting decent work. The Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work, adopted at the International Labour Conference in 2019, reaffirms the ILO’s mandate to protect all workers, including migrant workers, and highlights the need to promote equality of treatment and the elimination of discrimination against workers, particularly those in vulnerable situations” says Michelle Leighton, Chief of the ILO Labour Migration Branch and one of the competition judges.
The competition contributes to some of the targets of the recently adopted “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the Global Compact for Refugees ,” which include improving working conditions for migrant workers and shifting misperceptions of labour migration. It also helps raise awareness on decent work and migration, a topic which features strongly in the United Nations Declaration on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The competition is supported by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the International Federation of Journalists, Equal Times, Solidarity Centre, and Migrant Forum in Asia. This year’s competition is organized with the support of the EU funded ‘Global Action to Improve the Recruitment Framework of Labour Migration ’ (REFRAME) project, and the SDC funded ‘Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment – Phase II ’ (FAIR II).
Please find below the brochure for the competition with more information on the application process.
For more information please contact William Gois of the MFA Secretariat at: