Cambodia Hosts Civil Society Forum on CMW

On 18 December 2015, Legal Support for Children and Women (LSCW) and Migrant Forum in Asia with support from Migration and Development Civil Society Network (MADE) and European Commission organized a one day forum for CSOs on the protection of the rights of migrant workers in the context of labour migration. The forum was also organized to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Convention of Migrant Workers and was attended by approximately 60 participants from NGOs, Trade Unions, Students, Recruitment agencies and migrant workers in Cambodia.

The forum aims to increase awareness on the UN Convention 1990 on The Protection The Rights Of Migrant Workers And Members Of Their Families, the ILO Convention On Migrant Worker, and the ASEAN Declaration on The Promotion And Protection The Right Of Migrant Workers. It also aims to understanding existing mechanisms that protect the right of Cambodian migrant workers,and to foster collaboration and cooperation among CSOs, Trade Unions, Government Agencies and other stakeholders in protecting the rights of Cambodian migrant workers in the context of labour migration.

The report of the forum and the statement can be found below

Report – Cambodia Forum on CMW

Statement on Cambodia CMW