50 for Freedom

50 for freedom


The 50 for Freedom campaign of ILO was successfully launched in London just this 20 October 2015. The platform www.50forfreedom.org is an online tool to promote ratification of the ILO’s Protocol 29, raise awareness about forced labour, trafficking and slavery, and highlight different initiatives taken by partners.

The http://www.50forfreedom.org​ is already up and available in 4 languages. We are encouraging you to share this information to other organizations,  colleagues, affiliates, friends and family to sign up on the platform.

Please note of ILO’s 11 indicators of Forced Labour which includes:

  1. Abuse of vulnerability
  2. Deception
  3. Restriction of Movement
  4. Isolation
  5. Physical and Sexual violence
  6. Intimidation and threats
  7. Retention of identity documents
  8.  Withholding of wages
  9. Debt bondage
  10. Abusive working and living condition
  11. Excessive overtime

The eleven indicators covers the main possible elements of a forced labour situation, and hence provides the basis to assess whether or not an individual worker is a victim of this crime. The presence of a single indicator in a given situation may in some cases imply the existence of forced labour. However, in some cases it is necessary to look at several indicators that when put together points to forced labour.