Migrant Forum in Asia
Telefax: +632.8277.9484 | Mobile: +63.921.540.5063
Email: mfa@mfasia.org | Website: www.mfasia.org

PRESS CONFERENCE: Philippines to host the 5th World Social Forum on Migration

13 April 2012, Friday, 11:10 AM – 12:00 NN

3rd Floor, Seminar Room, Caritas Building, Miriam College

Katipunan Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City

5th World Social Forum on Migration Secretariat: c/o Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)

Address: 85-C Masikap Extension, Barangay Central, Diliman, Quezon City 1100, Philippines

Telephone: +63.2.928.2740 | Telefax: +63.2.433.3508 | Mobile: +63.921.540.5063

Website: http://www.wsfm2012.org |Email: mfa@pacific.net.hk

Contact Persons:

William Gois, Migrant Forum in Asia, +63.920.960.0916

Ellene Sana, Center for Migrant Advocacy, +63.917.448.1464

Bobby Diciembre,  Freedom from Debt Coalition, +63.932.872.6162

PH to host global confab on migration

MANILA, Philippines – Hundreds of international delegates are expected to come to the country in November and participate in one of the thematic focuses of the World Social Forum, according to organizers.

For the first time, the World Social Forum on Migration (WSFM) will take place in an Asian country and will be held in Manila, Philippines on 26-30 November 2012, according to Migrant Forum in Asia, the technical secretariat of the event. Previous WSFMs were held in Europe and Latin America. The fifth WSFM will carry the theme “Mobility, Rights and Global Models: Looking for Alternatives.”

The WSFM aims to strengthen the process, protest movements and organizations around the world fighting for integration and full exercise of rights of men, women, youth, children and girls who migrate after the hope of a dignified and just under one full human development.

The World Social Forum is a space for democratic debate of ideas, reflection, formulation of proposals, exchange of experience and articulation of social movements, networks, NGOs and other civil society organizations opposed to neoliberal globalization and restricting the granting of citizenship and civil rights, political, economic, social and cultural rights of migrants, displaced, refugees and stateless persons.

Activities during the five-day event include workshops, self-organized events, field visits, cultural presentations, and mobilization in solidarity with local workers’ organizations and trade unions.

The organizing of the 5th WSFM is under the overall guidance of the International Committee (IC). The IC provides the political direction, guidelines and develops the themes for the Forum. Members of the IC from Brazil, United States of America and Palestine are coming to Manila for a preparatory meeting on 12-13 April 2012.

Members of the media are invited to dialogue with the IC to discuss the program of November 2012 WSFM.

For more information, please visit the 5th World Social Forum on Migration website at http://www.wsfm2012.org

About Us

MFA is a regional network of non-government organizations (NGOs), associations and trade unions of migrant workers, and individual advocates in Asia who are committed to protect and promote the rights and welfare of migrant workers.

It is guided by a vision of an alternative world system based on respect for human rights and dignity, social justice, and gender equity, particularly for migrant workers.

Regional Secretariat

25 Matiyaga Street,
Central District, Diliman,
Quezon City 1100

Phone: +63-2-8277-9484
Mobile: +639215405063

Social Media

Email: mfa@mfasia.org
Website: www.mfasia.org
Facebook: migrantforumasia

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